Issue - meetings

Progress Report

Meeting: 26/06/2017 - Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee (Item 8)

8 Progress Report

A report to update the Joint Management Committee on the progress of matters considered previously and the activities of the Volunteer Groups.


Update from Nonsuch Watch

Frances Wright advised the Committee that a report had been received regarding the Warren Farm butterfly sightings and a report from Nonsuch Park was still awaited. 

A reply was awaited from Transport for London following a written request for the 293 bus service to announce Nonsuch Park at the bus stop nearest the gates/entrance to Nonsuch.

Update from the Friends of Nonsuch

The summer opening was in full swing and Friends of Nonsuch recorded over a hundred visitors on Sunday 25 June, from destinations as far away as Mexico.

If was hoped the dairy would reopen in the not too distant future, following the removal of a bees nest and the roof being re-felted.

Update from Nonsuch Voles

Further to the written report submitted by Nonsuch Voles the Committee noted of the two Yew trees that had been replanted as a result of vandalism, one was thriving but there were concerns that the other one had not taken.

It was further noted that the Nonsuch Voles had undertaken 809 hours of volunteer work since the last meeting amounting to a cumulative total of 1,782 since January.

The Shelter planning application had been submitted and was due to be considered by the Planning Committee at the next meeting on 20 July.

The Round Pond

The Streetcare Manager reported that following the creation of a test pond the results from the scrape had proved positive and the pond appeared to hold water well.  The next stage was an on-site meeting with all interested parties to discuss the optimum location prior to creating the new pond.  It was agreed to provide an update at the next meeting.

Vandalism in the Park

The Streetcare Manager informed that she had met with a representative from Surrey Police who advised that whilst they had limited resources and other higher priorities they continued to urge witnesses to call 101 to report any incidents and in particular homelessness and tents, and request that the information be passed to the Safer Neighbourhood Team.  In the event of a life or death situation or the witnessing of a crime in progress, 999 should be called.

It was noted that the Surrey Police were made aware of Committee dates and invited to attend all meetings.


It had been agreed at the previous Committee meeting to display Drone code posters as an interim measure whilst further investigations into amending the bylaws to include a drone ban were undertaken.  The Committee discussed the potential for drones to intrude into personal space and disrupt the peace and tranquillity of the park whilst acknowledging that a ban would be difficult to enforce.  Friends of Nonsuch and Councillor Graham Dudley reiterated their request to ban the drones. 

It was agreed that officers would submit a report outlining the process, costs and implications of changing the bylaws to include a ban on drones, or alternatively introducing a public space protection order.