Issue - meetings

Maintenance Plan & Priority Works 2018-2019

Meeting: 28/06/2018 - Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee (Item 17)

17 Maintenance Plan & Priority Works 2018-2019 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

This report identifies the planned maintenance priority works for 018/19 and advises on the progress of outstanding works.  The Committee is asked to note the contents of the report and give approval to proceed with the priority works.

Additional documents:


The Committee received and considered a report outlining the planned maintenance priority works for 2018/19. 

The fire protection works were discussed and it was noted that the original estimate of £10,000 had increased to £30,000, following inspection and recommendations made by the Surrey Fire Service. 

The replacement of windows at Castlemaine Lodge was also discussed in relation to the Council’s responsibilities as landlords of the property and the Committee agreed it was prudent to prioritise the works. 

Members were given assurance that whilst the list of priorities in Annex 1 did not set out the methodology used for ranking the priorities all the works had been risk assessed.

It was explained that items1-7 of the priorities listed in Annex 1 would be funded firstly from the 2018/19 maintenance budget, with the balance funded from reserves and that the remaining priorities would be regularly reviewed and undertaken as and when necessary dependent on funds being available.

Therefore, having considered the priorities listed in Annex 1 of the report, the Committee:

(1)             Authorised items 1-7 and 9 to be undertaken during 2018/19*

(2)            Noted the costs and health and safety implications for items 8 and 10-15

* At £91,290, the estimated cost of the works is £16,840 above the combined maintenance and asbestos budgets of £74,450.  This £16,840 will be funded from the prior year underspend, which will reduce the working balance reserve from £155,956 to £139,116.

Meeting: 29/05/2018 - Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee (Item 7)

7 Maintenance Plan & Priority Works 2018-2019 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

This report identifies the planned maintenance priority works for 018/19 and advises on the progress of outstanding works.  The Committee is asked to note the contents of the report and give approval to proceed with the priority works.

Additional documents:


This item was deferred to the next meeting.