Issue - meetings

Fencing in the Formal Gardens

Meeting: 29/05/2018 - Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee (Item 5)

5 Fencing in the Formal Gardens pdf icon PDF 76 KB

This report seeks the Committee’s approval for the Nonsuch Voles to apply for funding security fencing in the formal gardens and provision for match funding at 11.5% of the total bid value


The Committee received a report requesting approval for Nonsuch Voles to apply for funding to erect additional fencing in the formal gardens.  It was noted that in places the existing fence was in a poor state of repair, allowing dogs and people access to the gardens when they were locked.  There had been instances of vandalism especially in the evening when the gardens were locked.  As a result security was a major concern.

Nonsuch Voles were proposing to apply for funding from the SUEZ Communities Landfill Trust and in order to proceed 11.5% match funding was required.  Following investigations into appropriate fencing Nonsuch Voles recommended that a type of prison fencing be used which as well as being extremely durable, the colour would match other fencing around the gardens and blend in with the surroundings.  Visuals of the suggested fencing was presented to members at the meeting.

The Committee was informed that the fencing was estimated to cost £19,000 and therefore a sum of £2,185 match funding would be needed to secure the finance.  Gerald Smith informed the Committee that Friends of Nonsuch would contribute £2,000 towards the match funding.  The Committee expressed thanks for their donation.

It was noted that Nonsuch Voles would be coordinating the project and the Committee acknowledged the enormous amount of work undertaken by the Nonsuch Voles along with other volunteer organisations involved with Nonsuch Park.

Having considered the proposal, the Committee;

(1)            Approved the Nonsuch Vole’s proposal to apply for funding for security fencing in the formal gardens

(2)            Agreed to the provision of match funding (approximately £2,200) from the working balance account in the event such funding was needed if donations were not available.