30 Events in the Park PDF 131 KB
To note the current event calendar, the success of Nonsuch Park Open Day and consider a proposal to host the 2019 Town & Country Show in Nonsuch Park.
The Committee received the Events in the Park report outlining a proposed timetable for events in 2018/19 as well as a review of the Nonsuch Park Open Day which was held on 9 September. Whilst the event had been scaled down from the proposed scheme, valuable feedback had been gathered on the day which would be used to plan a bigger, improved event for 2019.
The proposal for a Town and Country show on 26/27 May was discussed and the following points were raised:
· It was recognised that the show raised much needed income for Nonsuch Park however it was important to balance the revenue from the event against the environmental impact.
· Health and Safety considerations were raised with particular emphasis on parking. It was therefore recommended that the event be referred to the Council’s Safety Advisory Group (a multi-agency risk management group) to ensure that the event organisers had all the appropriate measures in place to mitigate potential risks.
· It was suggested that park and ride arrangements be considered. It was agreed to pass on the suggestion to the Safety Advisory Group.
· Environmental concerns were acknowledged and it was noted that Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s in-house Ecologist did not consider that temporary parking limited to a two day period would have a detrimental impact on the habitat.
· Reviewing and learning from other similar events that had taken place would help the Joint Management Committee to better gauge a list of requirements for the organiser
Accordingly, the Committee:
(1) Noted the current event calendar
(2) Noted the success of the Nonsuch Park Open Day and feedback from visitors
(3) Approved the proposal to host the 2019 Town & Country Show, subject to conditions of hire and other matters required to be addressed.