Issue - meetings

Governance arrnagaments for the Joint Management Committee

Meeting: 04/02/2019 - Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee (Item 37)

37 Governance arrangements for the Joint Management Committee pdf icon PDF 157 KB

A report to update Members on the governance arrangements for the work of the Joint Management Committee.

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The Committee received a report detailing current and proposed arrangements for the Governance of the Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee.

Members were advised that in order to achieve the objective of the review i.e. the efficient and effective use of resources, it was important to have a clear set of procedure rules for the running of the Committee.  To highlight the significance of the review aims, Members were handed a copy of a recent local government paper detailing the lack of government investment and austerity measures that were likely to impact the delivery of leisure and cultural facilities in the future.

The review was welcomed and it was acknowledged that it was necessary to bring the management of the park into the 21st century for the benefit and continued enjoyment of all park users. 

Whilst there were good examples of partnership working between Epsom & Ewell Borough Council and the London Borough of Sutton it was commented that the current arrangements meant that the management fell between two stalls and in order to maximise opportunities both authorities needed to work more cohesively.  It was further noted that the majority of funding bids were dependant on match funding and it was therefore imperative that the Joint Management Committee explored new ways to increase income.

The Committee discussed current practices that could be improved and opportunities for increasing income and having considered the proposals the following recommendations were agreed;

(1)            A new inter authority agreement for the management of Nonsuch Park

(2)            That the Committee Procedure Rules of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council apply to the Joint Committee pending a new Joint Management Agreement

(3)            Implementation of the proposals for public participation attached at Annex 2 and a review to be carried out after a year

(4)            The nature and roles of local groups who wish to support and promote Nonsuch Park.

(5)            A standing invitation to Nonsuch Voles to attend Joint Management Committee meetings (with no voting rights).

(6)            To investigate with both Councils the ability to utilise existing arrangements each Council has in place to support the work of the Joint Management Committee.

(7)            Epsom & Ewell Borough Council to take forward a parking management scheme to address parking issues (along the lines of the Beddington Park trial).

(8)            Work to be commissioned on a draft strategic plan for Nonsuch Park encompassing a new 10 year management and business plan.