35 Venues Restructure PDF 76 KB
This report seeks approval of one off costs to implement the recently approved restructure of Venues.
Following consideration, it was resolved:
(1) That the Committee supported the payment of the one off costs of the Venues restructure of up to £85k and requested the Strategy & Resources Committee to authorise one off costs of up to £85k, to return the service to operating within budget.
The Committee received a report seeking approval of one off costs to implement the recently approved restructure of Venues.
The following matter was considered:
a) Purpose of expenditure. The Committee noted that the report proposed an expenditure of up to £85,000 and set out the broad outcomes which would be achieved by the restructure. This included addressing the overspend on overtime of c£122k in 2018/19, delivering the service within its approved budget in 2019/20.
The Committee considered the proposal. Members of the Committee identified that the report did not provide detailed information on the intended use of the proposed sum and queried why. Officers informed the Committee that detailed financial information of this nature would require public access to the report to be restricted.
In summing up the item, the Chairman highlighted to the Committee that the proposed expenditure was lower than the current ongoing overspend on overtime, and would enable it to be avoided in future.
Following consideration, it was resolved (there being 4 Members in favour, 3 members against and 1 abstention):
(1) That the Committee supported the payment of the one off costs of the Venues restructure of up to £85k and requested Strategy & Resources Committee to authorise one off costs of up to £85k, to return the service to operating within budget.
In agreeing the above resolution, the Committee noted that an update report on the venues restructure would be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.