63 Venues Restructure PDF 84 KB
This report seeks approval of costs to implement the recently approved restructure of venues.
Following consideration, it was resolved:
That Committee:
(1) Was notified of the continued forecast overspend for 2018/19 on Venues salaries of £122k (due to staff overtime payments and addressed by the restructure).
(2) Agreed one off costs of the Venues restructure of up to £85k be funded from the Corporate Project Reserve, to return the service to operating within budget.
The Committee received a report seeking approval of one off costs to implement the recently approved restructure of Venues.
Following consideration, it was resolved:
That the Committee:
(1) Was notified of the continued forecast overspend for 2018/19 on Venues salaries of £122k (due to staff overtime payments and addressed by the restructure).
(2) Agreed one off costs of the Venues restructure of up to £85k be funded from the Corporate Project Reserve, to return the service to operating within budget.