4 Rainbow Leisure Centre- Change of Use of Bowls Hall PDF 150 KB
The Committee is asked to consider a proposal to change the existing use of the underutilised bowls hall into a soft play area for families with young children.
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Following consideration, it was resolved:
(1) To note the results of the consultation exercise undertaken by GLL with users of the Rainbow Leisure Centre.
(2) To approve the Change Control Notice submitted by GLL at Annex 1, and agree to change the use of the Bowls Hall at Rainbow Leisure Centre into an Indoor Children’s Soft Play area.
(3) To locate the provision of bowls into the Sports Hall of the Rainbow Leisure Centre, as a programmed sport.
(4) To recommend that consideration is given to bringing a report to Environment and Safe Communities Committee regarding opening Hook Road Car Park on a Sunday.
The Committee received a report proposing a contractual change from Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) in relation to changing the use of the underutilised bowls hall into a soft play area for families with young children.
It was anticipated that the change would enable greater access to the Leisure Centre by families with young children, boosting activity rates, and address the current short-fall in provision for young children.
A consultation had been undertaken involving the existing users of the bowls hall, the details of which were set out in Annex 2 of the report.
Following consideration, it was resolved:
(1) To note the results of the consultation exercise undertaken by GLL with users of the Rainbow Leisure Centre.
(2) To approve the Change Control Notice submitted by GLL at Annex 1, and agree to change the use of the Bowls Hall at Rainbow Leisure Centre into an Indoor Children’s Soft Play area.
(3) To locate the provision of bowls into the Sports Hall of the Rainbow Leisure Centre, as a programmed sport.
(4) To recommend that consideration is given to bringing a report to Environment and Safe Communities Committee regarding opening Hook Road Car Park on a Sunday.