5 Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee Final Accounts 2018-19 PDF 56 KB
The Joint Management Committee is asked to receive final accounts for the financial year 2018/19.
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report setting out the final accounts for 2018/19.
It was noted that there was an overall deficit of £54,570, mainly due to gross expenditure above budget by £49,180. The overspend was attributed to pothole repairs (£26,370) and the repair and maintenance budget (£38,380), which were reported to the Committee at the October 2018 and January 2019 meetings. Details of other variances against budget were set out in the report.
The Committee was informed that as a result of the deficit the working balance carried forward had decreased from the previous year to £101,390.
Members recognised the need to undertake emergency and unplanned repairs and maintenance but requested that in view of the financial climate alternative sources of income be explored to mitigate, as far as possible the risk of funding through reserves in future.
Accordingly the Committee received the final accounts for 2018/19.