10 Ewell Court House PDF 106 KB
This report sets out a review of actions taken by the Council to increase bookings at Ewell Court House as part of the Council’s agreed approach to enterprise and income generation. The actions have led to some improvements in bookings, but not to the level needed to make the venue financially sustainable.
This report explores the opportunity and potential benefits from entering into a partnership with a specialist from the wedding and events sector to maximise the public and community use of this important and treasured building and recommends a way forward. This approach has been recommended by the Council’s Community and Wellbeing Committee at its meeting on 20 June 2019.
Additional documents:
Following consideration, it was resolved:
That the Committee:
(1) Agreed the approach set out in the report to increase bookings at Ewell Court House and put the building on a more financially sustainable footing.
(2) Agreed that officers seek to appoint, through a competitive selection process, a suitable specialist partner to manage bookings and events at Ewell Court House as well as day to day maintenance through a leasehold agreement.
(3) Agreed that subject to the successful outcome of the selection process, to delegate the decision to agree terms and enter into an agreement with the specialist partner organisation for a period of no more than 15 years to the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Chairman of Strategy and Resources Committee.
The Committee received a report exploring the opportunity and potential benefits from entering into a partnership with a specialist from the wedding and events sector to maximise the public and community use of Ewell Court House. This approach had been recommended by the Council’s Community and Wellbeing Committee at its meeting on 20 June 2019.
Following consideration, it was resolved:
That the Committee:
(1) Agreed the approach set out in the report to increase bookings at Ewell Court House and put the building on a more financially sustainable footing.
(2) Agreed that officers seek to appoint, through a competitive selection process, a suitable specialist partner to manage bookings and events at Ewell Court House as well as day to day maintenance through a leasehold agreement.
(3) Agreed that subject to the successful outcome of the selection process, to delegate the decision to agree terms and enter into an agreement with the specialist partner organisation for a period of no more than 15 years to the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Chairman of Strategy and Resources Committee.