21 Local Plan - Growth and Housing Strategy PDF 168 KB
The Committee is asked to consider and agree the Six Principles setting the strategic direction for the new Local Plan Growth Strategy and agree to revisit the Principles in light of further changes to the National Planning Policy Framework or new evidence.
Additional documents:
The Committee:
(1) Agreed the Six Principles setting the strategic direction for Epsom & Ewell’s new Local Plan growth Strategy
(2) Agreed to revisit the principles in light of any further changes relating to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) or new evidence coming forward through the Local Plan process
The Committee received a report setting out Six Principles aimed at shaping the strategic direction for the Borough’s housing and growth. It sought to clarify key matters that were relevant in the production of Epsom & Ewell’s new Local Plan. It was emphasized that the principles were a set of markers that would drive growth in the Borough, but not intended to explain how it would be achieved.
The report also set out a chronological list of the evidence that had been produced to inform the preparation of the Local Plan
The following points were raised:
· Principle 1 – Character of the Borough: The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) should be viewed as a whole when assessing plans for development. Whilst the NPPF specifies sustainable development, quality, character and design were also important and should be considered in the decision making process.
· Principle 3 – Design: It was reiterated that the Local Plan covered the whole borough and to that end it was agreed to amend Principle 3 to read; ‘…which ensures that each development is ‘of Epsom & Ewell’ reflecting the local character and setting.’
· Principle 4 – Heights and Density: Further clarity on specific sites and localities would be achieved following Regulation 18 consultation.
· A Strategic Viability Assessment would provide the evidence needed to ascertain an achievable level of affordable housing. It was noted that developments of 10 or less units were not required to supply affordable housing.
· New Local Plans were required to meet the tests of soundness and produce a strategy for achieving the Objectively Assessed Housing Need (OAHN) target as a minimum. A strategy that resulted in an unmet OAHN would need to demonstrate how the unmet need would be delivered, for example investigating the potential for neighbouring Boroughs to take up the deficit.
· The purpose of Statements of Common Ground was to provide evidence that the Council had engaged with neighbouring Boroughs to explore the potential to work together to achieve their OAHNs and they could include areas of both agreement and disagreement.
· A key part of the Local plan would be the infrastructure development to support growth, and as part of the evidence a Transport Strategy would be produced to help secure and reinforce opportunities to improve infrastructure.
Accordingly the Committee:
(1) Agreed the Six Principles setting the strategic direction for Epsom & Ewell’s new Local Plan growth Strategy, subject to the agreed amendment to Principle 3 as detailed above.
(2) Agreed to revisit the principles in light of any further changes relating to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) or new evidence coming forward through the Local Plan process