32 Polling Places Review 2019 PDF 113 KB
Sets out the outcome of the consultation process on Polling Places and Districts and recommendations for proposed changes.
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Following consideration, it was resolved:
That the Committee recommended to Council:
(1) the location of the polling places and districts as set out in Annex 2 to the report for a five year period from 1st January 2020, or until it is superseded by any subsequent review of any polling place or district; and
(2) delegates to the Chief Executive any ongoing review or change of polling places during this period, to ensure that polling arrangements in the Borough remain fit for purpose for each election called.
The Committee received a report setting out the outcome of the consultation process on Polling Places and Districts and recommendations from the Polling Station Review Working Group for proposed changes.
The following matters were considered:
a) Legislative requirements. The Committee noted that the Representation of the People Act 1983 sets out the requirements of polling station reviews, including the considerations which the Council was required to take into account. The Act dictates that the elector is the primary interest when determining the location of a polling place.
b) Ruxley Ward. The Committee noted the proposal of the Polling Station Review Working Group that Epsom and Ewell High School remain a polling place.
c) West Ewell Ward. The Committee noted the Working Group’s proposal to change the Polling Station for EA District to the West Ewell Evangelical Church, Lansdowne Road.
d) Nonsuch Ward. The Committee noted the Working Group’s finding that no proposed changes to arrangements for Nonsuch Ward could be recommended for District IB at this time. It was noted that officers would continue to look for suitable alternatives sites and at the possibility of temporary/mobile options.
e) Court Ward. The Committee noted the Working Group’s recommendation that a further polling District (FC) be created and located at a Polling Station in Court Recreation Ground Pavilion, to enable the polling stations at Southfields School to be reconfigured in such a manner as to enable the school to remain open for students on a polling day.
The Committee also noted that a site visit to investigate the suitability of the use of Horton Chapel as a Polling Station would undertaken by Officers at the appropriate time.
Following consideration, it was resolved:
That the Committee recommended to Council:
(1) the location of the polling places and districts as set out in Annex 2 to the report for a five year period from 1st January 2020, or until it is superseded by any subsequent review of any polling place or district; and
(2) that the Council delegates to the Chief Executive any ongoing review or change of polling places during this period, to ensure that polling arrangements in the Borough remain fit for purpose for each election called.