25 Annual Monitoring Report 2018-2019 PDF 99 KB
The Committee is asked to note the contents of the Annual Monitoring report
Additional documents:
The Committee noted the contents of the Annual Monitoring report.
The Committee received the AMR (Annual Monitoring Report) for the reporting period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 which is the principal means of monitoring the performance and implementation of the Local Plan, and is fundamental to providing a sound factual basis for decision-making and plan preparation.
It was reported that 165 additional homes had been completed during the plan period, equating to 28% of the Borough’s objectively assessed housing need. It was noted that Epsom & Ewell have a 1.14 year supply of housing and the housing trajectory predicted a housing shortfall of 8,484 over the period 2017 – 2037
It was further noted that performance in other areas remained strong i.e. Green Belt and Design Policies.
The following points were raised by the Committee:
· Officers clarified that parking free developments identified in the report were such as they were well located in terms of access to public transport, other sustainable travel modes, services, facilities and amenities. It was suggested for future AMRs that the methods for monitoring Parking Standards be reviewed.
· It was agreed to amend the details for Global House to reflect its use as an office. (page 33 under Plan E site allocations)
Having considered the AMR the Committee noted the contents.