27 Local Plan Design Policies PDF 115 KB
The Committee is requested to note the publication of the National Design Guidance and associated 10 characteristics used when assessing and determining planning applications. The Committee is furthermore requested to agree the extent of proposed draft policies being prepared for the Regulation 18 consultation for the draft Local Plan.
Additional documents:
The Committee:
(1) Noted the publication of the National Design Guidance and associated 10 characteristics which are used when assessing and determining planning applications
(2) Agreed the key areas of focus of proposed policies being prepared for Regulation 18 consultation for the draft Local Plan as set out in paragraph 3.7 of the report.
The Committee received a report setting out the extent of proposed design policies for the new Local Plan, and the need for planning balance to be exercised when determining planning applications.
Officers restated the conclusion of the Licensing & Planning Policy Committee in May 2018 i.e. the decision to acknowledge the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the local considerations of housing need alongside the consequential need to optimise use of the land. It was agreed that due weight would be given to these matters when assessing proposals against current policies.
Members raised the following points and suggestions:
· It was agreed to circulate the three annexes attached to the report to the Planning Committee to inform their decision making
· Additional training to be provided for Members, details of which would be circulated by the Head of Planning
· It was emphasised that the design guidance could be used to support the Council’s adopted policies
Having considered the National Design guidance the Committee:
(1) Noted the publication of the National Design Guidance and associated 10 characteristics which are used when assessing and determining planning applications
(2) Agreed the key areas of focus of proposed policies being prepared for Regulation 18 consultation for the draft Local Plan as set out in paragraph 3.7 of the report.