26 Housing Delivery Test 2019 PDF 113 KB
The Committee is asked to note the forecasted result for Epsom & Ewell in the Government’s forthcoming Housing Delivery Test for 2019 and the implications that this will have on the local planning authority’s plan-making and decision taking processes.
The Committee noted the forecasted result for Epsom & Ewell in the government’s forthcoming Housing Delivery Test 2019 and the implications for the local planning authority’s plan-making and decision making process.
The Housing Delivery Test is an annual assessment by the Government setting out the performance of the local planning authorities in delivering their identified need over the previous three years.
Whilst the actual results were yet to be published, the Committee noted that the anticipated outcome was a further deterioration in performance from 22nd to 13th worst achieving Borough nationwide.
The first test results, in 2018, had reported that 57% of the Borough’s housing need had been delivered which resulted in the preparation of an Action Plan and the imposition of a 20% buffer. As it was improbable that performance would improve the further penalty of presumption in favour of sustainable development was likely.
Accordingly, the Committee noted the forecasted result for Epsom & Ewell in the government’s forthcoming Housing Delivery Test 2019 and the implications for the local planning authority’s plan-making and decision making process.