Issue - meetings

Local Plan Evidence Base: Retail Needs Assessment and Town Centres Health Checks

Meeting: 23/01/2020 - Licensing and Planning Policy Committee (Item 31)

31 Local Plan Evidence Base: Retail Needs Assessment and Town Centres Health Checks pdf icon PDF 110 KB

The Committee is asked to note the contents of the Draft Borough-wide Retail Needs Assessment and Town Centres’ Health Checks as a technical study that will form part of the evidence base for the emerging new Local Plan.

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The Committee noted the contents of the Draft Borough-wide Retail Needs Assessment and Town centres’ Health Checks as a technical study that will form part of the evidence base for the emerging new Local Plan, subject to minor amendments agreed at the meeting.


The Committee received the Draft Borough-wide Retail Needs Assessment and Town Centres’ Health Checks a technical study commissioned by the Council to inform the new emerging Local Plan. 

The study stated that there was evidence to demonstrate that Epsom & Ewell was a great place to shop and the retail centres provided a focus for the different communities across the Borough.  It was highlighted that sustaining the conditions that maintain and enhance the borough’s retail centres was a key objective for the Local Plan.

The following amendments were suggested and agreed:

·                     Page 320 – paragraph 5.65 final sentence should read ‘The focus should now shift to the Church Street/East Street…’

·                     Page 322 final bullet point to read Church Street

·                     Page 358 Recommendations for Epsom Town Centre – clarification required as to how the primary retail frontage will be measured

Accordingly, the Committee noted the contents of the Draft Borough-wide Retail Needs Assessment and Town Centres’ Health Checks as a technical study that will form part of the evidence base for the emerging new Local Plan, subject to minor amendments agreed at the meeting.