This report seeks approval for the 2020/21 budget and the recommended precepts on the constituent bodies. Conservators are also asked to consider the budget savings options set-out in the report.
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The Conservators received a report seeking approval for the 2020/21 budget and the recommended precepts on the constituent bodies.
It was reported that a £3,000 overspend was forecasted for 2019/20 which was due in the main to costs associated with the new cleaning/maintenance contracts for buildings on the Downs. However in the context of the overall budget of £407,000 it represented less than 1% of the budget and could be met by the Conservators working balance reserve.
Regarding the proposed 2020/21 budget Officers explained the background and rationalisation for the proposed 7.7% increase in precept based on continuing to provide the full range of services.
It was recognised that the proposed increase would be challenging for the Conservators and to that end Officers suggested potential saving options as detailed below for discussion:
Option A – Remove budget for project work. The recommended budget for 2020/21 included a sum of £4,200 for ad-hoc project work, which provided a resource for service improvements. Removing this budget could save £4,200 per annum in the short term. However, there was a risk that should the Conservators wish to reapply for EAFRD funding or undertake other project work, funding would have to be identified from reserves or future budgets.
Option B – A review of fees and charges. It was acknowledged that there was scope to review fees and charges to increase income from events on the Downs. However, the risk was that should fees and charges be increased by too much, some events may not continue to be held on the Downs, with an adverse impact on overall income levels. The Conservators generate circa £6,000 per annum from hire charges on the Downs.
Option C – Downskeepers’ Hut. Undertake a review on the increased cost of cleaning and maintenance of the Hut, as a result of changes to contracts. The cleaning and maintenance contract costs £6,060 per annum.
In addition to the options outlined in the report a further option was suggested as follows:
Option D – Tattenham Corner Conveniences. Explore the savings that could be made by reducing the expenditure on the Tattenham Corner conveniences.
The Jockey Club Racecourses and the Levy Board representatives advised that a more affordable level of increase to precepts would be between 3-4%.
Following consideration it was resolved:
The Conservators;
(1) Noted the latest income and expenditure position for 2019/20.
(2) Did not approve the recommended budget for 2020/21 as set out in Annex 1 to the report, and agreed a way forward as set out in (3) of this Minute below.
(3) Considered the savings options at paragraph 3.6 of the report and advised that Options A, B, C and D as set out in this Minute should be taken forward by officers for further review and the findings brought before the Conservators for consideration at a future committee meeting.
(4) Did not approve the delegation of authority to the Treasurer to agree the final budget and precept for 2020/21.