40 Planned Maintenance Programme 2020-21 PDF 86 KB
This report gives a progress update on the current 2019-20 planned maintenance programme, and requests approval for the planned maintenance programme for the next financial year 2020-21.
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Following consideration, it was resolved:
(1) to note the anticipated spend at the end of the current year 2019-20;
(2) to approve the carry over funds from 2019/20 to complete works from the 2019-20 programme as set out in paragraph 5.7 of the Report;
(3) to approve the 2020/21 planned maintenance programme at an estimated cost of £455,000 as set out in Annex 2 to the report;
(4) subject to the Council’s financial and contract requirements, to delegate authority to the Head of Property and Regeneration to make changes within the 2020/21 planned maintenance programme to cover unforeseen matters (such as tender price variances) of up to, but not exceeding £20,000.
The Committee received a report giving a progress update on the 2019-20 planned maintenance programme, and requesting approval for the planned maintenance programme for the next financial year 2020-21.
Following consideration, the Commitee resolved:
(1) To note the anticipated spend at the end of the current year 2019-20;
(2) To approve the carry over funds from 2019/20 to complete works from the 2019-20 programme as set out in paragraph 5.7 of the report;
(3) To approve the 2020/21 planned maintenance programme at an estimated cost of £455,000 as set out in Annex 2 to the report;
(4) Subject to the Council’s financial and contract requirements, to delegate authority to the Head of Property and Regeneration to make changes within the 2020/21 planned maintenance programme to cover unforeseen matters (such as tender price variances) of up to, but not exceeding £20,000.