42 Surrey Domestic Abuse Services PDF 70 KB
Following a shortfall in the funding for Surrey Domestic Abuse Services, the Committee are asked to consider mitigating the shortfall, through a contribution to the service.
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Following consideration, it was resolved:
(1) That the Committee approved a financial contribution of £6,120 in 2019/20 towards the funding shortfall of Surrey Domestic Abuse Service.
The Committee received a report requesting it to consider mitigating a shortfall in the funding for Surrey Domestic Abuse Services, through a contribution to the service.
The following matter was considered:
a) Funding from other local authorites. The Committee noted that a funding request had been made to each partner organisation by the Surrey Community Safety Board, in order to address the budget shortfall of the Surrey Domestic Abuse Service. Relevant Borough and District Councils in Surrey were included in this request, and Officers informed the Committee that they believed that all the other Boroughs and Districts had agreed to contribute.
Following consideration, it was resolved:
(1) That the Committee approved a financial contribution of £6,120 in 2019/20 towards the funding shortfall of Surrey Domestic Abuse Service.