36 Future40 - Long-term Vision for Epsom and Ewell PDF 324 KB
Future40 has been a Council led initiative to develop a long-term vision for Epsom and Ewell. It involved the largest consultation and engagement exercise ever undertaken in the borough. The new ‘Our Vision Epsom and Ewell’, is the culmination of this extensive resident and stakeholder engagement. The purpose of this report is to seek approval of the draft ‘Our Vision’ document.
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Following consideration, it was resolved:
That the Committee agreed:
(1) to recommend the ‘Our Vision Epsom and Ewell’ document to the Council.
(2) to delegate to the Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer in consultation with the Chairman of Strategy and Resources any final design or minor drafting changes to the Vision document before its publication;
(3) To endorse officers seeking opportunities to engage with partner organisations, from the public, private and voluntary sectors, oversee delivery of the Council’s Vision.
The Committee received a report seeking approval of the draft ‘Our Vision Epsom and Ewell’ document, which provided a long-term vision for the Borough. The Vision had been produced as the culmination of the Future40 consultation and engagement programme.
The following matters were considered:
a) Amendment to recommendation. The Chairman informed the Committee that it was proposed to recommend the ‘Our Vision Epsom and Ewell’ document to the Council for approval. Recommendation 1 of the published agenda was amended accordingly.
b) Informing the Council’s corporate plan, policies and work programmes. The Committee noted that the Vision would inform the production and implementation ofthe Council’s corporate plan, policies and work programmes. The Vision provided a high-level document which set the context and direction of the Council’s work, rather than identifying individual detailed actions.
c) Partnership working. The Committee noted that the ‘Our Vison, Epsom and Ewell’ document highlighted some of the partner organisations which would work with the Council to enable the Vision’s delivery. Following a question from a member, officers informed the Committee that the inclusion of further partner organisations would be considered.
d) Thanks to officers. The Committee expressed its thanks to officers in undertaking the Future40 consultation, and producing the ‘Our Vision Epsom and Ewell’ document.
Following consideration, it was resolved:
That the Committee agreed:
(1) to recommend the ‘Our Vision Epsom and Ewell’ document to the Council.
(2) to delegate to the Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer in consultation with the Chairman of Strategy and Resources any final design or minor drafting changes to the Vision document before its publication;
(3) To endorse officers seeking opportunities to engage with partner organisations, from the public, private and voluntary sectors, oversee delivery of the Council’s Vision.