Issue - meetings

Local Goverment Association Communications Peer Review

Meeting: 28/07/2020 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 20)

20 Local Government Association Communications Peer Review pdf icon PDF 76 KB

This report provides details of the LGA Communications Peer Review process and details of their findings.

Additional documents:


Following consideration, it was resolved:

(1)      That the Committee noted the content and recommendations of the LGA Communications Peer Review.


The Committee received a report providing details of the LGA Communications Peer Review process and details of their findings.

The following matter was considered:

a)            Citizens’ Panel. The Committee noted that the purpose and membership of the Council’s Citizens’ Panel would be reviewed as a part of the Action Plan following the LGA Review.

b)           Interim Communications and Engagement Manager. The Committee was informed that an Interim Communications and Engagement Manager had been appointed by the Council in April and had contributed to the response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The appointment would be in position until the end of October 2020. Following a question from a Member, it was noted that information relating to the cost, budget and measurement of output for the appointment would be provided to Members following the meeting.

Following consideration, it was resolved:

(1)          That the Committee noted the content and recommendations of the LGA Communications Peer Review.