33 Local Government Association Communications Review Action Plan PDF 72 KB
This report provides details of the Communications & Engagement Strategy and Action Plan.
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Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:
(1) Approved the Communications & Engagement Strategy and Action Plan.
The Committee received a report providing details of the Communications & Engagement Strategy and Action Plan.
The following matters were considered:
a) Costings for actions. Following a question from a Member, the Committee was informed that there were no costs associated with the Strategy. Officers anticipated that any costs from the Action Plan would be delivered within the existing budget. If there was a need for additional resources to implement actions a report and supporting business case would be presented to the Strategy and Resources Committee for approval.
b) Further LGA support. In response to a question from a Member, the Head of HR and Organisational Development informed the Committee that following the LGA’s review, the Council had appointed an expert interim officer to give advice and provide support in the review of recommendations provided by the LGA. Further support from the LGA had not been sought, but this would be kept under review.
c) Impact and outcomes of themes identified within the Strategy and Action Plan. Following a question from a Member, the Head of HR and Organisational Development informed the Committee that the themes detailed within the Strategy would be expanded upon to provide further information regarding their anticipated impact and outcomes.
d) Responsible parties and detailed actions within Action Plan. A Member requested that further information be added to the Action Plan detailing the responsible officer/party for actions and how actions would be completed. It was noted that the Head of HR and Organisational Development would contact the Councillor following the meeting to discuss the further information required.
Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:
(1) Approved the Communications & Engagement Strategy and Action Plan.