11 Communications and Engagement Strategy PDF 96 KB
The Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy sets out a framework as to how the Council can publicise and inclusively involve stakeholders in the forthcoming Regulation 18 consultation for the new local Plan. The strategy takes account of the potential impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report setting out a framework as to how the Council could publicise and inclusively involve stakeholders in the forthcoming Regulation 18 consultation for the new Local Plan, taking into account the impact of Covid-19.
The following matters were considered:
· Amendments to Communications and Engagement Strategy. It was noted that the following amendments would be made to the Communications and Engagement Strategy:
o Inclusion of sheltered accommodation. That “Residents in sheltered accommodation” would be added to the list of stakeholder groups detailed on page 4 of the Local Plan Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy.
o Inclusion of Health & Wellbeing Strategy. The Council’s Health & Wellbeing Strategy would be added to the list of relevant policies (detailed in section 6 of the covering report), and would be referenced within Section 2 of the Communications and Engagement Strategy.
o Section 1, bullet point 4, page 2: The word “unique” to be replaced with the word “distinctive”.
o Inclusion of poltical parties, page 4. The words “Political parties” to be added to the stakeholder groups listed on page 4.
o Additional local interest groups, page 4. It was noted that Members would provide details of additional local interest groups for possible inclusion within the list of stakeholders to the Head of Planning following the meeting.
o Inclusion of 3rd Sector groups within list of stakeholders, page 4. “3rd Sector groups” would be added to the stakeholder groups listed.
Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:
(1) Considered and commented on the Local Plan Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy 2020 attached at Appendix 1.
(2) Delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman of the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee any final changes to the Draft Communications Plan before publication.