12 Housing Delivery Action Plan PDF 71 KB
The Housing Delivery Action Plan identifies actions to increase future housing delivery in the Borough. The Council is required to prepare an Action Plan following the Housing Delivery Test (HDT) published by Central Government in February 2020, where the Council was unable to demonstrate housing delivery necessary for in the previous three years.
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report identifying actions to increase future housing delivery within the Borough.
It was noted that the Council is required to prepare an Action Plan following the Housing Delivery Test (HDT) published by Central Government in February 2020, where the Council was unable to demonstrate housing delivery necessary for in the previous three years.
The following matters were considered:
· Compulsory Purchase Orders. Following a question from a Member, the Committee was advised that the use of a Compulsory Purchase Order to encourage the commencement of a development was normally considered to be a measure of last resort. The use of a Compulsory Purchase Order was a prolonged process, which offered various opportunities for challenge from relevant land owners / developers.
· Limited development commencement period. The Head of Planning informed the Committee that as standard a 3 year commencement period was provided for planning permissions, but under certain circumstances a condition included in a planning permission to restrict the commencement period to 1 or 2 years if it was felt to be justified.
Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:
(1) Approved the Housing Delivery Action Plan 2020.