Issue - meetings

Budget Targets Report 2021/22

Meeting: 06/10/2020 - Community and Wellbeing Committee (Item 5)

5 Budget Targets Report 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

This report informs the Committee of the Council’s revenue budget targets presented to the Strategy & Resources Committee.  The report seeks guidance on the preparation of the Committee’s service estimates for 2021/22.


Following consideration, it was resolved:

(1)      To defer consideration of the revenue budget targets report to the Committee’s next meeting.


The Committee received a report informing it of the Council’s revenue budget targets presented to the Strategy & Resources Committee.  The report sought guidance on the preparation of the Committee’s service estimates for 2021/22.

The following matter was considered:

a)            Budget savings options. The Committee requested that further information regarding the budget savings options presented by the report be provided prior to the Committee coming to a decision upon them. The Committee considered that consideration of this matter should be deferred until its meeting in January 2021.

Following consideration, it was unanimously resolved:

(1)          To defer consideration of the revenue budget targets report to the Committee’s meeting in January 2021.