21 Stoneleigh and Auriol Neighourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum applications PDF 97 KB
To determine the applications for Stoneleigh and Auriol Neighbourhood Area and Stoneleigh and Auriol Neighbourhood Forum.
Additional documents:
Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee agreed to:
(1) designate Stoneleigh and Auriol Neighbourhood Area;
(2) designate Stoneleigh and Auriol Neighbourhood Forum.
The Committee received a report requesting it to determine applications for Stoneleigh and Auriol Neighbourhood Area and Stoneleigh and Auriol Neighbourhood Forum.
The following point was raised by the Committee:
Listed buildings: The Committee noted that there would be no conflict with the designation of Listed buildings and their protection regarding Planning in the context of the Neighbourhood Forum Constitution. The Neighbourhood Forum constitution sets out the Neighbourhood Forum’s aspirations and is not policy. It was noted that all representations made in regard to any future proposed Neighbourhood Plan policy would be listened to and considered at the appropriate time during the Neighbourhood Plan making process.
Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee agreed to:
(1) Designate Stoneleigh and Auriol Neighbourhood Area;
(2) Designate Stoneleigh and Auriol Neighbourhood Forum.