8 Capital Programme 2021/22 PDF 98 KB
This report summarises the proposed 2021/22 capital programme and seeks the Panel’s approval for it to be submitted to Council in February 2020.
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The Panel received a report summarising the proposed 2021/22 capital programme and seeking approval for it to be submitted to Council in February 2020.
Following consideration, the Panel resolved:
With the advice of the Capital Member Group to submit the following 2021/22 capital programme to Council for approval in February 2021, subject to the relevant policy committees first approving project appraisals:-:
(1) Prioritised schemes totalling £885,000, funded from Community Infrastructure Levy receipts of £500,000; S106 funds of £110,000; a budgeted revenue contribution of £255,000; and external grant of £20,000, subject to a successful grant application.
(2) A Disabled Facilities Grant scheme totalling £600,000, subject to external funding sources.