63 Youth Hub initative PDF 81 KB
To request grant funding from DWP’s Flexible Support Fund to set up a Youth Hub in the Borough, with delivery partners, and to match fund the bid with the offer of a location for the Youth Hub.
Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:
(1) Agreed that the Head of Housing and Community, in consultation with the Chairman of Strategy and Resources Committee, the Chairman of the Community and Wellbeing Committee, the Chief Finance Officer, Chief Operating Officer and the Head of Property and Regeneration, submits an application to the Department for Work and Pensions to fund the establishment of a Youth Hub;
(2) Agreed that the Council enters into an arrangement with delivery partners to deliver this initiative.
To request grant funding from DWP’s Flexible Support Fund to set up a Youth Hub in the Borough, with delivery partners, and to match fund the bid with the offer of a location for the Youth Hub.
The Committee received a verbal introduction from the Head of Housing.
The following matters were raised by the Committee:
a) Location: Members noted the importance of a location that is well-served by transport links, and not costly to commute to. Officers noted that they would be looking for continuous innovation within the project, and will look to have discussions with representatives for alternative locations for future schemes. Officers also highlighted that a number of potential users may be unable to travel, so an element of outreach would be looked into so they can still be provided a service.
Councillor Barry Nash proposed an amendment to Recommendation 1, which was seconded by Councillor David Gulland. This amendment was to read:
(1) Agreed that the Head of Housing and Community, in consultation with the Chairman of Strategy and Resources Committee, the Chairman of the Community and Wellbeing Community, the Chief Finance Officer, Chief Operating Officer and the Head of Property and Regeneration, submits an application to the Department for Work and Pensions to fund the establishment of a Youth Hub;
(1) Agreed that the Head of Housing and Community, in consultation with the Chairman of Strategy and Resources Committee, the Chief Finance Officer, Chief Operating Officer and the Head of Property and Regeneration, submits an application to the Department for Work and Pensions to fund the establishment of a Youth Hub;
The Committee agreed the amendment unanimously.
Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:
(1) Agreed that the Head of Housing and Community, in consultation with the Chairman of Strategy and Resources Committee, the Chairman of the Community and Wellbeing Community, the Chief Finance Officer, Chief Operating Officer and the Head of Property and Regeneration, submits an application to the Department for Work and Pensions to fund the establishment of a Youth Hub;
(2) Agreed that the Council enters into an arrangement with delivery partners to deliver this initiative.