Issue - meetings

Budget Report 2021/2022

Meeting: 19/01/2021 - Community and Wellbeing Committee (Item 17)

17 Revenue Budget Report 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

This report sets out budget estimates for income and expenditure for Community & Wellbeing services in 2021/22.


Following consideration, the Committee resolved with 8 Members voting for, 1 Member voting against and the Chair not voting to:

(1)      Recommend the 2021/22 service estimates for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2021;

(2)      Confirm the savings options set-out in section 6 for inclusion in the 2021/22 and 2022/23 budget estimates, to mitigate the council’s projected budget gap.



The Committee received a report setting out budget estimates for income and expenditure for Community & Wellbeing services in 2021/22.

The Committee received a verbal introduction from the Finance Officer.

The following matters were raised by the Committee:

a)            Community Centre meals: Members noted the proposed change to buying pre-prepared meals from making them from scratch. Following a question from a Member, the Officer noted that they will take on-board Committee guidance and have a discussion with kitchen staff to ensure that the quality and enjoyment of the service is not compromised in coming to a decision.

b)           Parks: Members noted the important role that parks have played in the well-being of local residents, and increase in both pedestrians and dog-walkers. The Officer noted that a number of small wheelie bins lined with clear bags were recently distributed throughout Nonsuch Park to help eliminate the issues with dog waste.

Following consideration, the Committee resolved with 8 Members voting for, 1 Member voting against and the Chair not voting to:

(1)      Recommend the 2021/22 service estimates for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2021;

(2)      Confirm the savings options set-out in section 6 for inclusion in the 2021/22 and 2022/23 budget estimates, to mitigate the council’s projected budget gap.