55 Allocation of Funding for Planning Appeals PDF 75 KB
There are two appeals which have now been submitted against the refusal of planning permission by Planning Committee and a third is expected shortly. The Planning Service does not have a budget for defending planning appeals and therefore resources are being requested to enable the Council to defend its positon on the current and anticipated appeals.
Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:
(1) Allocated up to £96,000 to support the Council in defending planning appeals on the three major applications described in this report.
(2) Agreed that the £96,000 allocation is financed from new burdens planning grants held in the corporate projects reserve;
There are two appeals which have now been submitted against the refusal of planning permission by Planning Committee and a third is expected shortly. The Planning Service does not have a budget for defending planning appeals and therefore resources are being requested to enable the Council to defend its positon on the current and anticipated appeals.
The following matters were raised by the Committee:
a) Calculation of figures: Members noted the estimated £96,000 figure of appeal. It was noted that the figure is derived through Officers experience of handling many appeals over a number of years.
Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:
(1) Allocated up to £96,000 to support the Council in defending planning appeals on the three major applications described in the report.
(2) Agreed that the £96,000 allocation will be financed from new burdens planning grants held in the corporate projects reserve.