Issue - meetings

NJMC Finance Report & Budget 2021/22

Meeting: 25/01/2021 - Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee (Item 21)

21 Planned Maintenance Report Update 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

This report provides an update on the approved 2020-21 priority planned maintenance programme including the unforeseen Health and Safety works undertaken during the year. It also seeks approval for the forthcoming 2021-22 priority planned maintenance works.


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The Committee received a report providing an update on the approved 2020-21 priority planned maintenance programme including the unforeseen Health and Safety works undertaken during the year. The report also sought approval for the forthcoming 2021-22 priority planned maintenance works.

The Committee received a verbal introduction from the Head of Property and Regeneration.

The following matters were raised by Councillors:

a)            London Road Lodge: Following a question from a Member of the Committee, the Officer confirmed that the London Road Lodge property had been re-let to its existing tenants. It was noted that essential asbestos works had been successfully undertaken and that the letting will be progressed with as efficiently as possible.

b)           Nonsuch Park House: Following a question from a Member of the Committee, the Officer noted that the necessary works proposed to Nonsuch Park House would be carried out once the Committee agreed to the proposed recommendations.

Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:

(1)      Agreed to note the progress of the approved 2020/21 priority planned maintenance works, including the unforeseen additional Health & Safety works carried out during the year.

(2)      Considered and approved the proposed priority planned maintenance works for 2021-2022.