Issue - meetings

2021/22 Revenue Budget and Fees & Charges

Meeting: 28/01/2021 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 66)

66 2021/22 Revenue Budget and Fees & Charges pdf icon PDF 142 KB

This report sets out estimates for income and expenditure on services in 2021/22.

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Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:

(1)      Agreed to recommend the 2021/22 service estimates for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2021;

(2)      Agreed to confirm the savings options set-out in section 6 for inclusion in the 2021/22 and 2022/23 budget estimates, to mitigate the council’s projected budget gap;

(3)      Agreed to support that any remaining budget gap for 2021/22 - after factoring in those savings agreed at recommendation 2 and savings agreed at other Policy Committees – should be funded from the Corporate Projects Reserve and Flexible Housing Support Grant, as set-out in section 3;

(4)      Agreed to recommend the 2021/22 fees and charges, as set-out in Appendix 1, for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2021.


The Committee received a report setting out estimates for income and expenditure on services in 2021/22.

The Committee received a verbal introduction from the Chief Accountant.

The following matters were raised by the Committee:

a)            Homelessness: Following a question from a Member, the Officer noted that as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic, homelessness cases in the Borough have increased. It was noted that the Council holds a reserve to help manage homelessness, and that the Flexible Housing Support Grant is the most appropriate funding source for increased housing services.

A Member of the Committee requested that Recommendation 2 to be taken separately. 

Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:

(1)      Agreed to recommend the 2021/22 service estimates for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2021;

(3)      Agreed to support that any remaining budget gap for 2021/22 - after factoring in those savings agreed at recommendation 2 and savings agreed at other Policy Committees – should be funded from the Corporate Projects Reserve and Flexible Housing Support Grant, as set-out in section 3;

(4)      Agreed to recommend the 2021/22 fees and charges, as set-out in Appendix 1, for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2021.

Following consideration, it was resolved with 6 Members voting for, 1 Member voting against, 1 abstention and the Chairman not voting that:

(2)      Agreed to confirm the savings options set-out in section 6 for inclusion in the 2021/22 and 2022/23 budget estimates, to mitigate the council’s projected budget gap;