22 NJMC Finance Report & Budget 2021/22 PDF 78 KB
This report provides an updated forecast for 2020/21 and seeks the Joint Management Committee’s approval of both the 2021/22 budget and the recommended precept to be levied on the constituent authorities.
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The Committee received a report providing an updated forecast for 2020/21 and seeks the Joint Management Committee’s approval of both the 2021/22 budget and the recommended precept to be levied on the constituent authorities.
The Committee received a verbal introduction from the Chief Accountant.
The following matters were raised by the Committee:
a) Vehicles used in Park: Committee Members noted the figure for Transport fleet recharges. Following a question from a Councillor, the Officer confirmed that this expenditure represents the charge to grounds maintenance fleet services, giving the Rangers access to a number of vehicles and machinery for use in the Park.
Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:
(1) Agreed to note the latest 2020/21 forecast position;
(2) Agreed the revenue budget for 2021/22 as set out in Appendix 1;
(3) Agreed to seek contributions of £103,430 from both Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and the London Borough of Sutton for the financial year 2021/22.