61 Bourne Hall Parking Charges For Community Vaccination Scheme Update PDF 71 KB
In December 2020 the Committee agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Operational Services to implement a parking permit scheme for up to a maximum of 10 staff and volunteers in delivering the vaccination programme. A request has since been made for additional spaces.
Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:
(1) Agreed to delegate to the Head of Operational Services to implement a parking permit scheme at Bourne Hall Car Park for Fitznells Manor Surgery, as set out in paragraph 2.6 of this report.
In December 2020 the Committee agreed to delegate authority to the Head of Operational Services to implement a parking permit scheme for up to a maximum of 10 staff and volunteers in delivering the vaccination programme. A request has since been made for additional spaces.
The Committee received a verbal introduction from the Head of Operational Services.
The following matters were raised by the Committee:
a) Parking spaces: Members spoke about the number of requested parking spaces. It was noted that when the Borough begins the process of coming out of lockdown, the Council would look at reducing the number of parking permits from the proposed 40 as and when necessary.
b) Future arrangements: Members noted the request from Surrey County Council to use Bourne Hall for some aspects of Covid-19 testing, and spoke about the increase in traffic-flow that may come as a result of this. Officers noted that they had spoken with representatives from both the proposed testing-centre and Fitzsnell Surgery to discuss parking arrangements, and that they felt able to facilitate both parties during lockdown.
Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:
(1) Agreed to delegate to the Head of Operational Services to implement a parking permit scheme at Bourne Hall Car Park for Fitznells Manor Surgery, as set out in paragraph 2.6 of this report.