72 Local Government Reorganisation & Collaboration in Surrey PDF 90 KB
To consider next steps following on from the analysis by KPMG who were engaged by the Leaders of the 11 Districts and Boroughs in Surrey to explore alternatives to a single unitary authority in Surrey.
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Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:
(1) Agreed to note the Final Report’s (Appendix 1) comments on the future structure of Local Government in Surrey;
(2) Authorised the Chief Executive to progress further collaboration opportunities in the following service areas: waste, building control, IT infrastructure, housing, revenues and benefits, procurement, economic development and leisure services;
(3) Authorised the Chief Executive to explore opportunities for collaboration on other service areas and with other local authority partners outside the priority areas and partners identified in the Final Report.
The Committee received a report asking them to consider next steps following on from the analysis by KPMG who were engaged by the Leaders of the 11 Districts and Boroughs in Surrey to explore alternatives to a single unitary authority in Surrey.
The following matters were raised by the Committee:
a) On-going process: Following a question from a Member, the Officer confirmed that all 11 Districts and Boroughs are currently looking to take this report to its relevant Committee or Council for approval. It was noted that once this has been completed, detailed discussions between the various partners can take place.
b) Collaborations: In terms of collaborations being worked on outside the KPMG, the Officer noted that they hope to bring a report forward for Members’ consideration in the next couple of months.
c) 8 priority areas: Members noted the 8 priority areas listed in the report. It was noted that this was not a definitive list, and that Epsom and Ewell would have their own priority areas which would be explored, in addition to those noted in the report.
Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:
(1) Agreed to note the Final Report’s (Appendix 1) comments on the future structure of Local Government in Surrey;
(2) Authorised the Chief Executive to progress further collaboration opportunities in the following service areas: waste, building control, IT infrastructure, housing, revenues and benefits, procurement, economic development and leisure services;
(3) Authorised the Chief Executive to explore opportunities for collaboration on other service areas and with other local authority partners outside the priority areas and partners identified in the Final Report.