Issue - meetings

Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee Final Accounts 2020-21

Meeting: 26/07/2021 - Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee (Item 6)

6 Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee Final Accounts 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

This item presents the Joint Management Committee’s final accounts for the financial year 2020/21.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report presenting the Joint Management Committee’s final accounts for the financial year 2020/21.

The Committee received a verbal introduction from the Chief Accountant.

The following matters were raised by the Committee:

a)             Memorial benches: Following a question from a Member, the Officer explained that there is a 15 year-maximum lifespan for memorial benches, due to the difficulties relating to maintenance as they age. The Officer noted that a bench survey is conducted annually to ascertain which benches may need removing from the gardens, making room for new ones. Parties are informed that their memorial benches will be removed, provided their contact details are up to date.

b)            Occupation of Flat 3: Following a question from a Member, the Officer explained that occupation of Flat 3 had been delayed due to window issues. The replacement of these windows are now underway, and expected to be complete within a couple of weeks. It was requested that a note be circulated to Members of the Committee once the flat was ready to be occupied.

c)            Maintenance of road: Members noted that the road between Cheam Gate and the Mansion House had been in bad condition for some time, which worsened with the Mansion House being used as the vaccination centre. The Officer noted an £11,000 overspend in maintenance for the roads throughout Nonsuch Park, although this was partially offset by a contribution from the NHS.


Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:

(1)      Agree to receive the final accounts for 2020/21