7 Review of Reserves PDF 702 KB
This report presents a review of the Council’s reserves and financial standing.
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The Panel received a report presenting a review of the Council’s reserves and financial standing.
The following matters were raised by Councillors:
a) The overall level of reserves and reasons for holding, in the Property Income Equalisation Reserve, a minimum balance of one year’s rental income for each property funded by borrowing;
b) The policy for commuted sums held by the Council;
c) The objectives of the Residential Property Acquisition Fund and initiatives it could be used to fund.
Following consideration, the Panel resolved to:
(1) Consider and review whether the overall level of reserves and contingencies are appropriate for the sound management of the Council’s finances;
(2) Review the individual reserve and contingency balances and consider whether to support the recommended minimum balances in the report;
(3) Support the transfer of the uncommitted balance on the Interest Equalisation Reserve back to the Corporate Projects Reserve.