Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/09/2021 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 21)

21 Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme (RSAP) 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 328 KB

The report seeks approval for a contribution of £145,000 from the council’s s106 affordable housing funds to support a bid to the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) under their Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme (RSAP), for the purchase of two properties within the borough, by Transform Housing & Support (Transform), to provide accommodation and support to those are either homeless, rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping.


Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:


1) Agreed to commit £145,000 funding (£72,500 per property) from S106 affordable housing to work in partnership with Transform Housing & Support for them to purchase 2 x 1 bedroom flats in the borough to alleviate rough sleeping and homelessness for those with multiple and complex needs.



The Committee received a report seeking approval for a contribution of £145,000 from the council’s s106 affordable housing funds to support a bid to the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) under their Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme (RSAP), for the purchase of two properties within the borough, by Transform Housing & Support (Transform), to provide accommodation and support to those are either homeless, rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping.

The Committee received a verbal introduction from the Head of Housing and Regeneration.

The following matters were raised by the Committee:

a)            Ownership arrangements: Following a question from a Member, the Officer explained that the proposed arrangements surrounding ownership of the properties are not unusual in terms of properties being owned by Transform Housing & Support.

b)            Properties: Following a question from a Member, the Officer explained that street properties are not typically considered, as it would result in bidding against the general population for attractive properties. The Officer also explained that the properties that are used for such schemes keep occupants’ minded to continue their search for their own long-term occupation. This ensures the best social and financial return.


Following consideration, it was resolved unanimously that the Committee:


(1)          Agreed to commit £145,000 funding (£72,500 per property) from S106 affordable housing to work in partnership with Transform Housing & Support for them to purchase 2 x 1 bedroom flats in the borough to alleviate rough sleeping and homelessness for those with multiple and complex needs