8 Budget Targets Report PDF 424 KB
This report informs the Committee of the Council’s revenue budget targets presented to the Strategy & Resources Committee. The report seeks guidance on the preparation of the Committee’s service estimates for 2022/23.
Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:
(1) Noted the implications of the budget targets presented to Strategy & Resources Committee on 21 September 2021.
(2) Supported the changes to services and savings identified in section 3 of this report and that these are included within the budget presented to this Committee in January 2022.
(3) Noted that any additional new growth items supported by the Committee would need to be fully funded from existing budgets.
The Committee received a report informing it of the Council’s revenue budget targets and seeking guidance on the preparation of the Committee’s service estimates for 2022/23.
The following matters were considered:
Ewell Court House. In response to questions from Members, the Head of Property and Regeneration informed the Committee that works to identify and secure an external partner to run the operational side of venues at Ewell Court House had been completed and was now being reviewed by the Council’s external solicitors prior to the market being approached.
Allotments. The Committee considered matters relating to allotment sites in the Borough and including non cultivation of plots. The Chair informed the Committee that he would speak to the Head of Service responsible for allotments regarding these matters.
Following consideration, the Committee resolved unanimously to:
(1) Note the implications of the budget targets presented to Strategy & Resources Committee on 21 September 2021.
(2) Support the changes to services and savings identified in section 3 of this report and that these are included within the budget presented to this Committee in January 2022.
(3) Note that any additional new growth items supported by the Committee would need to be fully funded from existing budgets.