34 Boundary Commission Consultation Response PDF 495 KB
The Local Government Boundary Commission in England (“Boundary Commission”) has published its draft recommendations on Council size and warding arrangements in the Borough. The Task and Finish Group established by this committee has met and reached consensus on the draft response for a vote before Full Council. This committee is required to approve the response and recommend it to Full Council.
Additional documents:
Following consideration, the Committee resolved by a majority vote to:
(1) Review the Council’s draft response to the Boundary Commission at Appendix 1 to the report.
(2) Approve, with any necessary amendments, the draft response for consideration by Full Council on 7 December 2021.
The Committee received a report setting out a response to the Local Government Boundary Commission in England’s (“Boundary Commission”) draft recommendations on Council size and warding arrangements in the Borough. The Committee was required to approve the response and recommend it to Full Council.
The following matters were considered:
a) Amendment to report. The Committee noted an amendment to paragraph 5.2, bullet point 4 to read as follows:
“All of Downside excluding Ash Mews be included in College Ward.”
b) Clarification on paragraph. 5.2, bullet point 2. Following a question from a Member, Officers clarified that the former St.Ebba Hospital site centred around Parkview Way would be retained within Court Ward.
Following consideration, the Committee resolved by a majority vote to:
(1) Review the Council’s draft response to the Boundary Commission at Appendix 1 to the report.
(2) Approve, with any necessary amendments, the draft response for consideration by Full Council on 7 December 2021.