41 External Audit Update PDF 307 KB
This report presents Grant Thornton’s 2020/21 Annual Report to members.
Additional documents:
Following consideration, the Committee resolved unanimously to:
(1) Receive the Auditor’s Annual Report;
(2) Note the management responses to the auditor’s recommendations at Appendix 1 to the report;
(3) Confirm that the Auditor’s Annual Report be presented to Full Council.
The Committee received a report presenting Grant Thornton’s 2020/21 Annual Report to members.
The Committee considered the following matters:
a) New requirement: under the 2020 Code of Audit Practise, a new requirement is for external auditors to issue an Auditor’s Annual Report, to include commentary on the Council’s arrangements to secure value for money, within three months of auditing the Statement of Accounts.
b) Positive report: although five improvement recommendations were presented by the external auditors, the Annual Report was viewed as positive overall.
c) Statutory deadline: the deadline for completing the Housing Benefit certification work is 31 January 2022, however Management has requested an extension of this deadline. DWP has confirmed that this extension will be in order and will not result in any penalties being levied.
Following consideration, the Committee resolved unanimously to:
(1) Receive the Auditor’s Annual Report;
(2) Note the management responses to the auditor’s recommendations at Appendix 1 to the report;
(3) Confirm that the Auditor’s Annual Report be presented to Full Council.