26 TPO 2 Merrow Road PDF 134 KB
Chestnut tree T16 of TPO 327 located in the front garden - Reduce crown height by up to 2m and lateral spread by up to 1.5m. Thin the crown by 10% and raise the crown by 1.5m.
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Chestnut tree T16 of TPO 327 located in the front garden - Reduce crown height by up to 2m and lateral spread by up to 1.5m. Thin the crown by 10% and raise the crown by 1.5m
The Committee noted a presentation from the Tree Officer.
Following consideration, the Committee resolved that:
The Application be APPROVED subject to the below following conditions.
(1) All tree work shall be carried out in accordance with the following specification:
Chestnut tree T16 of TPO 327 located in the front garden - Reduce crown height by up to 2m and lateral spread by up to 1.5m. Thin the crown by 10% and raise the crown by 1.5m
Reason: To ensure that the tree(s) receive the appropriate treatment and that the tree work is of a satisfactory standard to protect amenity in accordance with Policies CS1 and CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) Policies DM5 and DM9 of the Development Management Policies 2015, British Standard BS 3998 2010 and guidance to protect and enhance the natural environment contained within the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.
(2) Where whole branches are to be removed and final cuts made close to the trunk or branch union they are to be made as shown in Figure 2 of BS3998:2010. Where branches are to be shortened back the final cuts are to be made at the correct angle shown in BS3998:2010 and adjacent to a live bud or lateral branch
Reason: In the interests of the trees continued vitality, health and to accord with current industry guidelines and sound arboricultural practice and in accordance Policies CS1 and CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) Policies DM5 and DM9 of the Development Management Policies 2015.
(3) The agreed pruning operation/s shall comply with the following recommendations contained within BS3998:
4.4 Avoiding damage from tree work operations
7.1 Pruning and related work (General)
7.2 Minimising the potentially undesirable effects of pruning
7.6 Crown Lifting
7.7 Crown reduction and reshaping
Reason: To ensure that the tree(s) receive the appropriate treatment and that the tree work is of a satisfactory standard to protect amenity in accordance with Policies CS1 and CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) Policies DM5 and DM9 of the Development Management Policies 2015.
(1) Control of tree pest and diseases - When engaging contractors or arborists to work on your trees, you are advised to ensure that your chosen contractor recognises the importance of bio-security in arboriculture and that they adhere to good industry practice as promoted by organisations such as the Arboricultural Association and the Forestry Commission. Simple measures such as disinfecting equipment and appropriately disposing of arisings can help prevent the introduction and spread of pests and pathogens. A free downloadable guidance booklet on the application of bio-security in arboriculture is available from the Arboricultural Association at https://www.trees.org.uk/Book-Products/Application-of-Biosecurity-in-Arboriculture-en