Issue - meetings

21/01406/FUL 140 - 142 Ruxley Lane, West Ewell, Surrey, KT19 9JS

Meeting: 10/03/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 36)

36 21/01406/FUL 140 - 142 Ruxley Lane, West Ewell, Surrey, KT19 9JS pdf icon PDF 421 KB

Demolition of existing dwellings and erection of 20 flats within two blocks with associated car parking and landscaping.



Demolition of existing dwellings and erection of 20 flats within two blocks with associated car parking and landscaping


The Committee noted a presentation from the Principal Planning Officer.

The application had been appealed on the basis of non-determination.  Members would be considering whether they would have refused the proposal or if they would have approved the proposal.

Following consideration, the Committee resolved with 10 members voting in favour of refusal, none against and no abstentions, and the Chair not voting, that the application would have been REFUSED on the following grounds:

(1)          As a result of its overall scale and design, the proposed development would represent an overdevelopment of the site and cause significant visual harm to the character and appearance of the area.

(2)          The proposed development would not meet the minimum space standards for residential accommodation and would not provide adequate outdoor private amenity space failing to deliver a high standard of amenity and resulting in inadequate living conditions to the detriment of future occupiers.

(3)           The proposed development would cause significant harm to the private amenities of the occupiers of surrounding properties by way of off loss of light, loss of outlook and loss of privacy.

(4)          The Council currently does not have a 5 year housing land supply. This means that the “presumption in favour of sustainable development” (paragraph 11 of the NPPF) (Also known colloquially as the ‘tilted balance’) is engaged, and that planning permission should be granted unless any adverse impacts significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the NPPF 2021 as a whole. Overall, the adverse effects of the proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the Framework taken as a whole.