To provide an update on this year’s Derby Festival.
Additional documents:
The Conservators received a report providing an Update on this year’s Derby Festival.
The following matters were considered by the Conservators:
a) Build and Break Time for contractors: A Conservator mentioned that there had been a few incidents reported to him relating to some contractors not being aware of the danger to horses and riders posed by their activities. It was noted that in future, a longer build and break time may be requested by the Jockey Club to avoid these incidents.
b) Communications: it was noted that good communications with trainers to highlight any alterations to facilities or access is a key element to the delivery of the Festival.
c) Damage to trees: Conservators noted with deep regret, the needless damage to several trees, including the loss of one long established and highly valued tree, during the Derby Festival. Officers will investigate the possibility of progressing the work on planting a tree for the Queen’s Green Canopy on the Downs, as part of the remedial action that will need to take place to replace the damaged trees.
d) Use of Beacon: Conservators noted that the Beacon Lighting event was most successful and was well attended by the community. Ways to incorporate beacon lighting into future events will be considered.
e) The Festival: The success of the Festival was noted, and some lessons learnt were highlighted.
Following consideration, it was resolved to:
(1) Note the update on the 2022 Derby from the Epsom Downs Racecourse