Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 30th July, 2024 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Epsom Town Hall, View directions

Contact: Email:  tel: 01372 732000

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or other registrable or non-registrable interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.


No declarations of interest were made by Councillors regarding items on the agenda.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 385 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 14 May 2024.


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 14 May 2024 were agreed as a true record and the Mayor was authorised to sign them.


Mayoral Communications/Business

To receive such communications or deal with such business as the Mayor may decide to lay before the Council.


The Mayor invited Councillor Steven McCormick to address the Council. It was with sadness that Councillor McCormick informed the meeting that Mr Mike Ford, founding member of the Epsom and Ewell Tree Advisory Board had recently passed away. Councillor McCormick spoke of Mr Ford’s years of dedication to planting, nurturing, and caring for countless trees within the borough and beyond. As a mark of respect, the Council stood in a minute’s silence.

Following this, the Mayor made a number of announcements relating to noteworthy recent and upcoming events.


Questions pdf icon PDF 231 KB

This report sets out the questions submitted which have been accepted under FCR 12, Appendix 4 of the Constitution.

Additional documents:


Fourteen questions had been addressed to Committee Chairs, to each of which a written answer had been provided and published.

Seven supplementary questions were asked and answers were given by the relevant Committee Chair.



Chairs' Statements pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To receive statements from the Chairs of the Council’s Policy Committees, briefing Members on current events and issues relating to the relevant Committee’s area of work.


Additional documents:


The Council received written statements from the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee, Chair of the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee, Chair of the Environment Committee and Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Committee.

7 questions were asked relating to the statements and responded to by the relevant Committee Chair or Vice-Chair.



Annual Report of the Audit & Scrutiny Committee 2023-2024 pdf icon PDF 222 KB

This report presents the Annual Report of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee 2023-2024 in accordance with the requirement of Paragraph 7.2 of Annex 4.6 of the Council’s Operating Framework.

Additional documents:


Council received a report presenting the Annual Report of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee 2023-2024 in accordance with the requirement of Paragraph 7.2 of Annex 4.6 of the Council’s Operating Framework.

Councillor Steven McCormick MOVED the recommendation in the report.

Upon being put the recommendation was CARRIED with 24 votes for, 2 abstentions and the Mayor not voting.

Accordingly, it was resolved to:

(1)       Receive the Annual Report of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee 2023-2024 (Appendix 1 to the report).


Motions pdf icon PDF 230 KB

This report sets out notices of motions ruled in order.

Additional documents:


The Council received five Motions submitted under FCR 14 of Appendix 4 of the Constitution.

Motion 1

The Council resolved by a majority vote (with 8 votes for dealing with the motion at the meeting, 18 votes to refer the motion to the relevant committee and 1 abstention) to refer the Motion to the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee for consideration. In accordance with FCR 4.61 of Appendix 4 to the Constitution, a recorded vote was taken on this matter as detailed below, there being 8 councillors in support of a recorded vote.

Motion 2

The Council resolved by a majority vote (with 8 votes for dealing with the motion at the meeting, 18 votes to refer the motion to the relevant committee and 1 abstention) to refer the Motion to the Strategy and Resources Committee for consideration. In accordance with FCR 4.61 of Appendix 4 to the Constitution, a recorded vote was taken on this matter as detailed below, there being 8 councillors in support of a recorded vote.

Motion 3

The Council resolved by a majority vote (with 4 votes for dealing with the motion at the meeting and 23 votes to refer the motion to the relevant committee) to refer the Motion to the Environment Committee for consideration. In accordance with FCR 4.61 of Appendix 4 to the Constitution, a recorded vote was taken on this matter as detailed below, there being 8 councillors in support of a recorded vote.

Motion 4

The Council resolved by majority vote to debate the Motion at the meeting.

In pursuance of the Council’s Rules of Procedure, Councillor Alan Williamson MOVED and Councillor Clive Woodbridge SECONDED the following Motion.


“The dangers of lithium-ion batteries overheating and catching fire have been well documented, and the speed and fierceness of such fires has already proven to have devastating effects on people’s lives and businesses. 

These effects also have had an impact for this Council, for example, a battery fire in one of our refuse lorries, damaged the vehicle, caused disruption to services and had a knock-on financial impact. Thankfully no one was injured.

With increasing ownership of e-bikes and e-scooters, this is a problem that is likely to increase.

E-bikes and e-scooters are often stored and charged in places in such as communal areas, hallways or garages where they may not be monitored and the warning signs of overheating are missed, increasing the danger of a fire, which may block the escape route or be close to other combustibles. 

Legislation to require safety standards for the batteries, chargers and their components could significantly reduce the risks of fires, injury, loss of life and loss of property.

This council welcomes the news that pressure will be put on Central Government to pass a Bill to:

·                     introduce safety standards for lithium-ion batteries used for e-bikes and e-scooters;

·                     introduce safety standards for conversion kits and components of the batteries;

·                     control the disposal of such batteries.

As part of any Bill, this Council agrees that it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
Motion 1 - Vote on whether to debate the motion or refer to Committee Motion Rejected
Motion 2 - Vote on whether to debate the motion or refer to Committee Motion Rejected
Motion 3 - Vote on whether to debate the motion or refer to Committee Motion Rejected
Motion 5 - Vote on whether to debate the motion or refer to Committee Motion Rejected
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 20.

    Exclusion of Press and Public


    The Mayor informed the Council that this item of business was not required, as there were no restricted matters on the agenda for the meeting.


    Extending Term of Interim Director and recruitment of new S151 Officer pdf icon PDF 283 KB

    In accordance with section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, by reason of special circumstances, the Mayor is of the opinion that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.


    Following the recent resignation of the current Section 151 Officer and the current interim nature of the Director of Corporate Resources this report is to ask Council to support the decision to have the current post holder continue in their role until such time as a new combined Director of Corporate Services/Section 151 Officer is explored and the permanent post/s taken up by the successful candidate(s).


    The recruitment process for the new Section 151 Officer will take continue past the leaving date of the current postholder and, as the Council cannot legally operate without this statutory officer post, Council are also asked to approve the engagement of an Interim Section 151 Officer until the new role is filled and the successful candidate arrives.


    The Council received a report informing it of the recent resignation of the current Section 151 Officer and the current interim nature of the Director of Corporate Resources. The report asked the Council to support the decision to have the current post holder continue in their role until such time as a new combined Director of Corporate Services/Section 151 Officer is explored and the permanent post/s taken up by the successful candidate(s).

    In accordance with section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, by reason of special circumstances, the Mayor informed the Council that he was of the opinion that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency, as the Council was legally required to appoint a Section 151 Officer.

    Councillor Neil Dallen MOVED and Councillor Julie Morris SECONDED the recommendation in the report.


    a)            Amendment to Recommendation 1. Councillor Neil Dallen PROPOSED and Councillor John Beckett SECONDED the following amendment. That the wording of recommendation 1 be amended to:

    Note the extension of the appointment of the current Interim Director of Corporate Services in post, until such time as a new permanent Director of Corporate Services/Section 151 Officer is appointed and commences in post.”

    Upon being put the amendment was CARRIED by majority vote.


    a)            Thanks to Section 151 Officer. A member of the Council expressed their thanks to the Council’s current Section 151 Officer, Brendan Bradley, for his diligent service and advice to the Council, wishing him well in the future. It was requested that this be noted in the Minutes.

    Following consideration of the above matters, the Council voted upon the recommendations of the report. The recommendations as amended were CARRIED by majority vote.

    Accordingly, it was resolved to:

    (1)      Note the extension of the appointment of the current Interim Director of Corporate Services in post, until such time as a new permanent Director of Corporate Services/Section 151 Officer is appointed and commences in post.

    (2)      Agree to appoint an Interim Section 151 Officer from one month prior to the leaving date of the current postholder and for them to remain in post until such time as a new permanent Director of Corporate Services/Section 151 Officer is appointed and commences in post.