Agenda and minutes

Health Liaison Panel - Tuesday, 5th March, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Epsom Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Email:  tel: 01372 732000

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in respect of any item of business to be considered at the meeting.


Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust

Councillor Kim Spickett, Other Interest: Councillor Kim Spickett declared that she is part of the Nutrition Pathway.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 204 KB

The Panel is asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Panel held on 23 November 2023 (attached) and to authorise the Chair to sign them.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Health Liaison Panel held on 23 November 2023 were reviewed by the Panel. The Panel agreed that they were a true record and authorised the Chair to sign them.



Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Speakers: James Blythe, Managing Director of Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust and Tim Wilkins, Programme Director for Building your Future Hospitals.


Presentation topics:

·                Update on the planned works at the Epsom site; including updates on the plans for parking.

·                Update on the new hospital site in Sutton

·                Winter pressures and the impact this has had and the any impact of the rise in measles to be added to the presentation.

·                Impact of the ongoing industrial action

·                Update on the plans to move Childrens Cancer Treatment from St Georges to Evelina.


The Panel received a presentation from James Blythe, Managing Director of Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust and Tim Wilkins, Programme Director for Building your Future Hospitals (published as a supplement to the agenda).

The following matters were considered by the Panel:

a)            It was identified that the number of people coming to and staying in hospital is increasing. As our population rises, there are more people with complex needs resulting in further hospital admissions. It was noted that in the plans for the new hospital site in Sutton, there has been a significant reduction in impatient beds. A question was posed around whether this will be reconsidered given the trends of admissions into hospital alongside the increase in population. It was stated that hospitals have seen a rise in the length of patient’s hospital stays mainly due to outstanding Occupational Therapy, Social Care and Mental Health needs. It was queried how much the hospital should be incorporating acute beds in order to mitigate challenges seen in Social Care. It was also confirmed that the plan aims to retain an acute bed base at the Epsom site.

b)            It was also noted that St Helier, St George’s and the new hospital site in Sutton are all within ULEZ zones. A question was put to the speakers regarding whether any consideration will be given to patients who have no choice but to travel back and forth through these ULEZ zones. It was stated that there is a scheme already in place where if it’s necessary for a patient to use a non-compliant ULEZ vehicle, then they can reclaim. It does however involve the patient paying first and then getting it back. Additionally, it was also queried whether the temporary car park will be keeping fees or whether they are being paid to the hospitals. The response was that the management of the parking will continue to be done by the hospitals and they will continue to receive income from this. However, a peppercorn payment will probably have to be paid but most of the fees can be kept.

c)            A concern was raised in response to the argument for the Sutton scheme. All expertise would be in one place, but the refresh poses further concerns about the likelihood of moving cancer paediatrics to Evalina hospital. It was queried how solid and up to date the information behind the refresh is. It was noted that the refresh is aimed at updating the design solution. The ‘Improving Healthcare Together’ consultation is still being considered and the hospitals have been charged at considering how this will be done, what it will look like and assuring layouts within the hospitals meet current clinical practice. A further question was asked on whether a heads up would be given if there was to be a change in services. It was stated that the clinical model within the consultation doesn’t change.

d)            Another consideration was made regarding the pharmacy scheme and how much data there is  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Discussion on the Forward Plan

The Chair shall invite the Panel to discuss which areas relating to health and wellbeing it would like to see added to the forward plan for consideration at its future meetings.


The Chair invited the Panel to discuss which areas relating to health and wellbeing it would like to see added to the forward plan for consideration at its future meetings.

The following matters were discussed by the Panel:

a)            A concern was raised regarding the number of children who do not go to the dentist, and it was queried whether consideration could be given to what can be done. Secondly, it was stated that CAMHS has been found to not be fit for purpose, with patients having to wait months for appointments before giving up and paying for private diagnoses. It was noted that a speaker from Surrey Heartlands could be invited in to discuss why children are not going to the dentist and a speaker from SABP (specifically from Mind Works) could be invited to discuss CAMHS.

b)            It was requested that walking programmes are brought to future discussions as they should be re-introduced to the area. There are many places within Epsom that are reachable, level and suit all abilities. Walking is a free gym and a good way to meet people. It was suggested that the ‘Round the Borough Walks’ should be revived as it shows people how to reach places by foot.

c)            It was queried whether the Panel should consider where things are concerning promoting public health. It was noticed that Public Health are working more closely with agencies that the Councillors are targeting. A lot going on that the public themselves can do, such as the pharmacy scheme. It was also stated that a much bigger public facing focus is needed and Councillors have a big part to play in this. It was requested that speakers from Public Health attend future Panels to see if there are any avenues worth exploring.