Venue: Council Chamber - Epsom Town Hall, View directions
Contact: Fiona Cotter, 01372 732124 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting The Panel is asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the meeting of the Health Liaison Panel held on 3 July 2018 (to follow) and to authorise the Chairman to sign them. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in respect of any item of business to be considered at the meeting. |
Improving Health Care Together 2020-30 Daniel Elkeles, Chief Executive, Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust and Colin Thompson, Managing Director, Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group, will be in attendance to discuss recent developments. |
Social Prescription Linda Scott, Community Services Manager, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council will be in attendance to update the Panel on the Council’s work in this area. |
Update from the Council's Mental health Champion Councillor Liz Frost, the Council’s mental health champion, will report on recent events she has been invited to attend. |