Venue: Nonsuch Park Mansion House, Nonsuch Park
Contact: Democratic Services, 01372 732121 Email:
No. | Item |
Adjournment for Public Speaking (If Required) Prior to commencement of the meeting a period of 15 minutes will be put aside to allow members of the public who have pre-registered to do so, the opportunity to ask questions.
For further details, contact Democratic Services on 01372 732121 or email Minutes: No members of the public had submitted questions. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in respect of any item of business to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made by Councillors in items on this agenda. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 90 KB The Committee is asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee held on 21 October 2019 (attached) and authorise the Chair to sign them. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting of the Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee held on 21 October 2019 were amended to correct the reference in the Part 2 Minutes to London Road Lodge, instead of Cheam Road Lodge. The Minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair. |
Pinetum Fencing Proposal PDF 82 KB The Committee is asked to consider a revised proposal from the Nonsuch Voiles to replace the security fencing at the rear of the Pinetum. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report putting forward a revised proposal from the Nonsuch Voles to replace the security fencing at the rear of the Pinetum. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) That the Committee approved the proposal to replace the security fencing at the rear of the Pinetum as set out in the report (2) The Committee asked for their thanks to be passed on to Friends of Nonsuch, Nonsuch Voles and the private benefactor for their contributions and donations.
The Committee is asked to note upcoming events in the park and the new charging structure for outdoor fitness groups. Minutes: The Committee received a report asking it to note upcoming events in the park and the new charging structure for outdoor fitness groups. Following consideration, it was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Noted the forthcoming events for 2020 (2) Noted the charging structure for outdoor fitness groups
Planned Maintenance Report 2020-21 PDF 105 KB The report provides an update on the 2019-20 priority planned maintenance programme including the additional Health & Safety works undertaken during the year. It also seeks approval for the forthcoming 2020-21 priority planned maintenance works. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report providing an update on the 2019-20 priority planned maintenance programme including the additional Health & Safety works undertaken during the year. The report also sought approval for the forthcoming 2020-21 priority planned maintenance works. Following consideration, it was resolved: to (1) note the progress of the 2019/20 priority works, including the additional Health & Safety Works carried out during the year; (2) approve the proposed planned maintenance priority works for 2020-21 |
NJMC Finance Report & Budget 2020/21 PDF 72 KB This report provides an updated forecast for 2019/20 and seeks the Joint Management Committee’s approval of both the 2020/21 budget and the recommended precept to be levied on the constituent authorities. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report providing an updated forecast for 2019/20 and seeking the Joint Management Committee’s approval of both the 2020/21 budget and the recommended precept to be levied on the constituent authorities. Following consideration, it was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Noted the latest 2019/20 forecast position; (2) Agreed the revenue budget for 2020/21 as set out in Annexe 1; (3) Agreed to seek contributions of £103,430 from both Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and the London Borough of Sutton for the financial year 2020/21. |
Commissioning for a Strategic Plan PDF 91 KB To consider options to commission a draft strategic plan for Nonsuch Park. Minutes: The Committee received a report presenting options to commission a draft strategic plan for Nonsuch Park. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) That the Committee agreed a procurement scoping paper to commission a draft strategic plan for the Nonsuch Park to be prepared and submitted for the next meeting of the Joint Committee.