Venue: Committee Room 1 - Epsom Town Hall
Contact: Tim Richardson, 01372 732122 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 96 KB The Conservators are asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Conservators’ Meeting held 4 October 2017 (attached) and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators held on 4 October 2017 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. |
Items of Interest Discussed by the Training Grounds Management Board (TGMB) PDF 57 KB To consider any items of interest to the Conservators discussed at recent meetings of the Training Grounds Management Board (TGMB). The Conservators will receive a verbal report informing them of relevant recent business discussed by the TGMB. Minutes: The Conservators noted an update on items considered by the Epsom and Walton Downs Training Grounds Management Board (TGMB). The report provided updates on the following matters: horses in training on the Downs, the equestrian crossing outside the Queen’s Stand, the Business Improvement District, and an inspection of the gallops/schooling facilities by the British Horseracing Authority. |
Matters Arising from Previous Meetings and Other Items of Interest PDF 48 KB The Conservators are asked to note the current situation on issues raised previously and other items of interest. Minutes: The Conservators received a report providing an update on issues raised at previous meetings. The following matter was considered: a) Public consultation on proposal for parking on land in front of the Derby Arms Public House. The Conservators were informed that the final version of the consultation document would be circulated to all members within the next few days. Following this it would be made available on the Council’s website, and representatives on the Epsom and Walton Downs Consultative Committee, local ward councillors and local residents associations would be notified of how to access it. It would also be included within the Council’s Borough Insight magazine. |
Repairs to Water Stand-Pipe on Travellers Site PDF 79 KB This report details the need for repair works to water pipes located within the travellers’ site on Epsom Downs. Minutes: The Conservators received a report setting out works that were necessary to the water supply pipes located within the travellers’ site on Epsom Downs. The Conservators were informed that ownership and maintenance responsibility for the pipes were held by the Racecourse, as landowner. However, the pipes were used solely to supply water to the Derby travellers’ site provided on the Downs under Section 16 (1) of the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1984. Members expressed the view that if the Conservators agreed to contribute towards the costs, this would be for the current works only and that future maintenance responsibility for the pipes should remain solely with Epsom Downs Racecourse. Following consideration, the Conservators: (1) Noted the repair works necessary to the water pipes located within the travellers’ site as detailed in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 of the report. (2) Noted the legal position in terms of responsibility for the water pipes and agreed to contribute 50% to the cost of the repairs, subject to the cost of the works falling within the range stated within the report (of £2,800 - £4,650 + VAT). This agreement was subject to future maintenance responsibility for the water pipes being held solely by Epsom Downs Racecourse. |
Use of a Dethermaliser For Free Flight Model Aeroplanes PDF 93 KB This report details a request from Epsom Downs Model Aircraft Club (EDMAC), for their members to use a radio controlled dethermaliser for free flight model aeroplanes on land other than that already designated for radio controlled planes. Additional documents: Minutes: The Conservators received a report presenting a request from Epsom Downs Model Aircraft Club (EDMAC) for permission for its members to use a radio controlled dethermaliser for free flight model aeroplanes on land designated for the flight of free flight planes. An image of dethermaliser equipment was circulated at the meeting, and a sample dethermaliser hand unit was displayed alongside a radio controlled aircraft handset, to demonstrate the difference in size. The following matters were considered by the Conservators: a) Purpose of dethermaliser. The Conservators were informed that the use of a dethermaliser unit enabled a free-flight model aeroplane operator to better control the location and manner of their model’s landing. This would assist in avoiding potential collisions and in ensuring that model aircraft remained within the designated area. b) Awareness. It was noted that there was a potential conflict caused by the use of dethermaliser handsets for free-flight model aircraft as they might be mistakenly perceived as being radio-controlled aircraft. If this occurred, it could lead members of the public to mistakenly believe that radio-controlled model aircraft could be operated from a wider area than actually permitted. It was recommended that to avoid this, any member of EDMAC using a dethermaliser should wear an identifiable armband whilst operating their model aircraft on the Downs. Following consideration, the Conservators: (1) Agreed to allow Epsom Downs Model Aircraft Club (EDMAC) members the use of a radio controlled dethermaliser for free flight model aeroplanes on land designated for the flight of free flight model areoplanes. (2) That all members of EDMAC wishing to use a dethermaliser must wear an identifiable arm band. (3) Agreed to delegate the design of the armband to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman.
Cabling Works on the Downs PDF 58 KB This report details a proposal from Epsom Downs Racecourse to carry out essential cabling works located in around the area known as Car Park 2 (Owners and Trainers). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Conservators received a report presenting a proposal from Epsom Downs Racecourse to carry out cabling works in and around the area known as Car Park 2 (Owners and Trainers). A revised plan of the proposed route for the cabling was circulated by Simon Durrant at the meeting and replaced the copy included in the original agenda pack. The revised plan highlighted the route of the cabling as a black line. Simon Durrant informed the Conservators that the proposed works would be undertaken by an experienced contractor who was aware of the need to work sensitively around racehorse training times. Most of the work would be undertaken after 12 noon daily, and banksmen would be in place to warn the workforce of approaching racehorses. It was anticipated that works would take around 2 weeks to complete. Following completion of the works, the ground would be returned to its original condition. Following consideration, the Conservators: (1) Granted approval under byelaw 2. (i) for the necessary cabling works set out in Annexe 1 to the report and the revised plan.
Report of the Head Downskeeper PDF 52 KB To receive the report of the Head Downskeeper. Minutes: The Conservators received a report of the Head Downskeeper updating them upon recent issues and activities on the Downs. |
This report seeks approval to the 2018/19 budget and to the amounts to be recovered from the constituent bodies. Additional documents: Minutes: The Conservators received a report seeking approval to the 2018/19 budget and to the amounts to be recovered from the constituent bodies. The following matter was considered:
a) 3.1% precept increase and car park maintenance. The Conservators were informed that a 3.1% increase in the precept from the constituent bodies was proposed, rather than the 2.0% increase supported at the October 2017 meeting. This was necessary to maintain a balanced budget due to increased car park maintenance costs in light of the scarcity and higher cost of raw materials used (road planings). The Conservators noted that an alternative approach to the maintenance of the car parks was detailed in paragraph 3.4.2 of the report, which would involve enhancing all car parks with tarmac at an estimated cost of £30,000, followed by an increased annual maintenance cost. The Conservators considered that they did not wish this option to be further explored at present. Following consideration, the Conservators: (1) Agreed the budget for 2018/19 as set out in Annexe 1 to the report, including a request for a 3.1% increase in precept from the constituent bodies as follows:
· Epsom and Ewell Borough Council: £234,960
· Epsom Downs Racecourse: £117,470
· Epsom and Walton Downs Training Board: £39,160
Epsom Downs Racing Season 2018 PDF 97 KB This report informs the Conservators of dates for race meetings in 2018 and presents a request from Epsom Downs Racecourse for extensions to the periods permitted for fencing. Additional documents: Minutes: The Conservators received a report informing them of the dates of race meetings in 2018 and presenting a request from Epsom Downs Racecourse for extensions to the periods permitted for fencing. Following consideration, the Conservators: (1) Noted the dates of the 2018 racing season for Epsom Downs detailed in paragraph 1.1 of the report, and granted their consent to the following meetings in accordance with section 14 of the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1984: · Thursday 5 July (Evening) · Thursday 12 July (Evening) · Thursday 19 July (Evening) · Thursday 2 August (Evening) · Sunday 30 September (2) Noted that Epsom Downs Racecourse has applied to Surrey County Council for the temporary suspension of Footpath 50 as detailed in section 3 of the report. (3) Approved an application from Epsom Downs Racecourse for consent under the Byelaw 2 (i) (a) to bring forward the start of the fencing period for the Upper Tattenham Enclosure and Lonsdale Enclosure for the Derby festival to 14 May 2018. (4) Approved an application from Epsom Downs Racecourse for consent under the Byelaw 2 (i) (a) to extend the fencing period for the Lonsdale Enclosure to enable fencing to remain in place between the dates of 13 – 20 June 2018. |
Outstanding References PDF 55 KB This report lists references to Officers outstanding as at 22 January 2018. Additional documents: Minutes: The Conservators received and noted the position of their outstanding references. The following matter was noted: a) Maintenance of hack sand track, foot of Walton Downs. The Clerk informed the Conservators that through working with the TGMB, contact had been made with the Horserace Betting Levy Board, but a response to previous correspondence had not yet been received. |