Venue: Committee Room 1 - Epsom Town Hall
Contact: Tim Richardson, 01372 732122 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of Previous Meeting The Conservators are asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Conservators’ Meeting held on 8 October 2018 (attached) and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.
Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting of the Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators held on 8 October 2018 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. |
Matters Arising From Previous Meetings & Other Items of Interest The Conservators are asked to note the current situation on issues raised previously. Updates on the following matters are provided: Maintenance of the hack sand track at the foot of Walton Downs; Bid for European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development funding (EAFRD). Minutes: The Conservators received a report providing updates on the following matters: Maintenance of the hack sand track at the foot of Walton Downs; Bid for European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development funding (EAFRD). The following further update was considered: a) Bid for European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development funding (EAFRD). The Chairman informed the meeting that a site visit had now been held, and had identified elements which could be taken forward in the bid. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) To note the current situation on issues raised previously.
Items of Interest Discussed by the Training Grounds Management Board (TGMB) This report provides the Conservators with an update on items considered by the Epsom and Walton Downs Training Grounds Management Board. Updates on the following matters are provided: Epsom trained winners; Jockey Club Estates website; Racing post article.
Minutes: The Conservators received a report providing an update on items considered by the Epsom and Walton Downs Training Grounds Management Board. Updates on the following matters were provided: Epsom trained winners; Jockey Club Estates website; Racing post article. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) That the Conservators received and noted an update on items considered at recent meetings of the Epsom and Walton Downs Training Grounds Management Board.
Report of the Head Downskeeper This report presents the Head Downskeeper’s update to the Conservators. It includes: recent events on the Downs, staffing, incidents on the Golf Course and habitat projects. Minutes: The Conservators received the report of the Head Downskeeper. It included updates on the following matters: recent events on the Downs, staffing, incidents on the Golf Course and habitat projects. The following matter was considered: a) Publicity of habitat project work. The Conservators greatly appreciated the habitat project work undertaken on the Downs and asked that it be given wider publicity where appropriate. It was noted that such publicity would need to be sensitive to the fragile nature of some of the species/habitats involved. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) To note the report |
This report seeks approval for the 2019/20 budget and the recommended precepts on the constituent bodies. Additional documents: Minutes: The Conservators received a report seeking approval for the 2019/20 budget and the recommended precepts on the constituent bodies. The following matters were considered: a) External Audit fee: year to date. The Conservators noted a negative figure recorded for the External Audit charge for the year to date. The Chief Accountant informed the Conservators that this was due to an accrual, as the Auditor had not billed for their work before the end of 2018. b) Ad-hoc repairs to Tattenham Corner conveniences. Following a question, the Chief Accountant informed the Conservators that a cost for ad-hoc repairs to the Tattenham Corner conveniences had been incurred during 2018/19, but that no budget allocation for such works was considered necessary for 2019/20. If such costs were incurred again in the future, the position would be reviewed. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) That the budget for 2019/20 be agreed as set out in Annex 1 to the report, with a request for a 4% increase in precept from the constituent bodies as follows:- Epsom and Ewell Borough Council: £244,360 Epsom Downs Racecourse: £122,170 Epsom & Walton Downs Training Board: £40,730
Epsom Downs Racing Season 2019 This report informs the Conservators of dates for race meetings in 2019 and presents a request from Epsom Downs Racecourse for consent for race meetings and extensions to the periods permitted for fencing, as required by the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1984 and Epsom and Walton Downs Byelaws. Additional documents: Minutes: The Conservators received a report informing them of dates for race meetings in 2019 and presenting a request from Epsom Downs Racecourse for consent for race meetings and extensions to the periods permitted for fencing as required by the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1984 and Epsom and Walton Downs Byelaws. The following matters were considered: a) Fencing period extension applications. Simon Durrant informed the Conservators that the Racecourse was applying for two extensions to the period permitted for fencing. These extensions were unchanged from those granted by the Conservators for the 2018 racing season. b) Change to schedule of race meetings: 15 August, Team Racing. Andrew Cooper informed the Conservators of an amendment to the schedule of race meetings to be held in 2019. The provisional race meeting listed for Thursday 5 September would not take place. The Conservators were informed that an alternative evening fixture might be held on Thursday 15 August 2019 instead. The Conservators were informed that if it was held, the fixture on 15 August would form part of a series of ‘Team Racing’ events held across the country over a number of consecutive weeks. The event was currently considered ‘provisional’ by the Racecourse, with confirmation of whether it would be held anticipated by the end of February 2019. The Conservators noted that as an evening fixture, it would require their approval in accordance with section 14 of the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1984. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) That the Conservators noted the dates of the 2019 racing season for Epsom Downs detailed in paragraph 1.1 of the report, and granted their consent to the following meetings in accordance with section 14 of the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1984: Thursday 4 July (Evening) Thursday 11 July (Evening) Thursday 18 July (Evening) Thursday 1 August (Evening) Thursday 15 August (Evening) (Provisional) Sunday 29 September (2) That the Conservators noted that Epsom Downs Racecourse had applied to Surrey County Council for the temporary suspension of Footpath 50 as detailed in section 3 of the report. (3) That the Conservators approved an application from Epsom Downs Racecourse for consent under the Byelaw 2 (i) (a) to bring forward the start of the fencing period for the Upper Tattenham Enclosure and Lonsdale Enclosure for the Derby festival to 13 May 2019. (4) That the Conservators approved an application from Epsom Downs Racecourse for consent under the Byelaw 2 (i) (a) to extend the fencing period for the Lonsdale Enclosure to enable fencing to remain in place between the dates of 12 – 19 June 2019.
Forward plan for Conservators' items This report sets out a list of anticipated reports to be considered by the Conservators at future scheduled meetings. Minutes: The Conservators received a report setting out a list of anticipated reports to be considered at future scheduled meetings. The following matter was considered: a) Update on bid for European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development funding. The Conservators requested that an update on the bid for EAFRD funding be provided at the next meeting. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) That the Conservators noted the forward plan for items.